KROHNE's FLOW Youth Program

Idea and fundamentals

Adhering to and passing on values

Part of the KROHNE corporate philosophy is to strive to create a climate in which individual initiative and ideas are fostered, a climate that makes constant learning possible and one that enables people to apply what they have learned.

Openness to new things, being open-minded towards other people and cultures and the willingness to benefit from the experience of others are all values that are actively pursued by KROHNE employees around the world.

In an effort to pass these values on, KROHNE has created an international exchange program for the children of its employees. The name of the program is FLOW*, which stands for F riendship L inks all O ver the W orld.


Global family

We are a globally active group and we see this project as a way to emphasize the family nature of our company, strengthening and nurturing family relationships. Our worldwide company network provides the ideal platform for such a program.

As a company, our aim with FLOW is to strengthen and expand the global network of KROHNE companies and joint ventures and to make the image of KROHNE as a family business even more vivid for our employees.

*The word "flow" is closely linked to KROHNE since flow measurement is one of our core competencies. At the same time it also refers to the feeling of being completely absorbed in an activity - being in the "flow" of the activity.

Regina Pafel

The FLOW concept

Fostering development

FLOW gives children between the ages of 15 and 19 the opportunity to spend two weeks of their holidays in the home of a KROHNE employee in another country. Then, in return, that child's family hosts the child of the family that hosted their child for two weeks.

With FLOW, children can

  • make friends in different countries

  • learn and experience what it means to be independent

  • learn how to handle new and different situations

  • learn a new language or improve existing language skills

  • learn how to function in a different cultural and linguistic setting

What locations are offered?

FLOW started in early 2009 with the major European production facilities in Duisburg (Germany), Dordrecht (Netherlands), Wellingborough (United Kingdom) and Romans (France). In the second step, we extended the program to sites in Malmö (Sweden), Breda (Netherlands) and Beverly (USA). More KROHNE locations will be added. We look forward to all future participants!


Who is eligible?

Any child of a KROHNE employee between the ages of 15 and 19 who still lives at home and is entitled to maintenance. In other words, the child may not already have a career of his/her own.

What is the destination?

Participants may state a preference to travel to a country of particular interest to him/her. However, in keeping with the philosophy of the project, the child must be prepared to travel to any of the offered locations, if for any reason the preferred location is not available.

Do you speak KROHNE?

Obviously, knowledge of the host country language facilitates integration. This is, however, not a prerequisite to participate in the program. Basic knowledge of English (school English) is a must.

What if something happens?

There is always a KROHNE contact person for the children - before, during and after the exchange - both at home and in the host country.

What happens after the exchange is finished?

After the exchange, all participants are encouraged to report about their experiences.

Who organizes FLOW and when will the project start?

Regina Pafel is the project manager and can answer any questions related to FLOW.
